iPhone Charger

Recommended Fast Charger for iPhone

  • Charge up to 50% in Less than 30 Minutes
  • Fastest Charging on the Market
  • Ultra-Fast Charging Cable USB-C to Lighting
  • Quality and Durable Product
  • 100% Compatible with iPhone
  • ETL/FCC Certified


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“We spent hours testing various chargers for the iPhone before determining that the Novtech Charger is the fastest charging. It is a durable product that will consistently perform.”

-Tim Warner, Technology Director of Testing

30 products considered
15 products tested
29 hours reviewing

iPhone Charger

Though Apple now includes an 18W fast charger in the box with new iPhone 11 Pros, the vast majority of iOS devices continue to ship with power adapters that don’t take full advantage of their charging capabilities. Unfortunately, you still have to pay extra for a good third-party USB-C PD wall charger in order to refill most iPhones and iPads as fast as possible. We tested 30 different charges and the Novtech was our favorite.

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